Ce test a pour but d’évaluer votre niveau en anglais.
Lisez bien les instructions et répondez aux questions. Si vous ne connaissez pas la réponse, passez la question. Pour connaître votre évaluation, vous devez répondre à l’ensemble des questions.

1 / 65

Maybe, you don't like studying, but you will have to ____ with it. Learning is important!

2 / 65

Compréhension :
E-commerce technologies have undergone remarkable advancements, reshaping the landscape of online business. From artificial intelligence algorithms that personalize user experiences to blockchain ensuring secure transactions, these technologies have revolutionized the way we buy and sell goods and services. Machine learning enables predictive analytics, offering tailored recommendations to users based on their preferences and browsing history. Moreover, virtual and augmented reality technologies are enhancing the online shopping experience, allowing consumers to visualize products in their own spaces before making a purchase. Additionally, the integration of secure payment gateways and encryption technologies ensures the safety of financial transactions in the vast realm of e-commerce. As technology continues to evolve, e-commerce stands as a dynamic and innovative sector, continually striving to enhance convenience, security, and the overall customer journey.
What should be the main guarantee provided by e-commerce?

3 / 65

Where ____ you last night?

4 / 65

____  dreamt of becoming famous?

5 / 65

Patrick hasn't been to Greece ____ 1994.

6 / 65

Our neighbors will ____ the dog when we are away this weekend.

7 / 65

You ____ contact your company before Monday. They are waiting for your answer.

8 / 65

Compréhension : Ecoutez le texte et répondez à la question.
How can we define the transactions made with cryptocurrency?


9 / 65

Sarah is a famous pianist. She ____ practices.

10 / 65

I've known Luka ____ many years.

11 / 65

If I ____ to talk to you, I ____ to see you.

12 / 65

Compréhension :
Spacecrafts, also known as space vehicles, are complex and sophisticated machines designed for exploration beyond Earth's atmosphere. These vehicles serve various purposes, such as satellite deployment, scientific research, and manned space missions. Equipped with advanced technology, spacecraft are capable of navigating through the vastness of space and conducting experiments in microgravity environments. Manned spacecraft, like the International Space Station (ISS), enable astronauts to live and work in space for extended periods, contributing to our understanding of human adaptation beyond Earth. Additionally, robotic spacecraft, such as rovers on Mars, gather crucial data to unravel the mysteries of our solar system. The continuous development of spacecraft technology signifies humanity's enduring curiosity and ambition to explore the cosmos.
How can we define space technologies?

13 / 65

Compréhension : Ecoutez le texte et répondez à la question.
What is the main issue for electric vehicles batteries?


14 / 65

I can't help you now. I ____ TV.

15 / 65

Tania ____ Mary as soon as she has finished her homework.

16 / 65

Do we say...

17 / 65

I didn't really like this class. ____.

18 / 65

They ____ in the mountains when the thunderstorm started.

19 / 65

Compréhension :
My name is Claire and I am six years old.
I have an older brother, named Thomas, and he is eight years old. Thomas and I love playing soccer. Thomas is fan of Chelsea, Real Madrid, and Juventus. Thomas plays soccer with me every day. I help him and I am the goalkeeper. My favorite team is Manchester United.
Who is the goalkeeper?

20 / 65

This chair is completely broken. We need to ____ a new one.

21 / 65

____ you pass me some bread please?

22 / 65

You would appreciate longer vacation, ____.

23 / 65

Peter is 5 years old. When he ____ 30 years old, he wants to become a doctor.

24 / 65

____ you like a cup of tea?

25 / 65

Mark was at a concert last night so he ____ call you back.

26 / 65

My mother feels ____. She needs to take a nap.

27 / 65

The street is totally empty. There is ____ in town tonight.

28 / 65

We’ll go to the beach if it ____ sunny later.

29 / 65

He mentioned that his father ____ ill.

30 / 65

Compréhension :
Social media has become a major part of our lives, offering a quick and easy way to connect with friends and share updates. Social media platforms allow us to stay informed, but it's important to use them wisely. While they provide a convenient way to communicate and share experiences, it's crucial to be mindful of privacy and the potential impact on mental health. Balancing the benefits of social media with its potential drawbacks is key to maintaining a healthy online presence.
Social media can be harmful due to...

31 / 65

You just need to ____ until the doctor arrives.

32 / 65

Do we say...

33 / 65

It’s not rare to ___________ mental health issues these days.

34 / 65

This great restaurant is located ____ of the mall.

35 / 65

Excuse me Sir, ____ you mind ____ me where is the nearest bus station?

36 / 65

Julia is the ____ of all singers I have ever heard.

37 / 65

How long ____ the piano for?

38 / 65

Compréhension : Ecoutez le texte et répondez à la question.
What is important to William?

39 / 65

____ many trees in the garden.

40 / 65

I like eating ___ apple.

41 / 65

This wonderful building ____ by a French architect in 1899.

42 / 65

The kids will come home ____ Sunday.

43 / 65

It was the famous artist Van Gogh ____ created this amazing paiting.

44 / 65

How about ____ together next month?

45 / 65

____ you speak to him to arrange the situation?

46 / 65

She _____ for her exams yesterday.

47 / 65

Compréhension :
In the relentless global battle against AIDS, advancements in pharmaceuticals and medical technologies have yielded groundbreaking products. Antiretroviral drugs, particularly combination therapies, have transformed HIV treatment, significantly extending the lives of those affected and reducing the virus to undetectable levels. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has emerged as a powerful preventive tool, providing a viable option for individuals at higher risk of contracting HIV. Additionally, advancements in diagnostic technologies have led to more accurate and quicker HIV testing, enhancing early detection and intervention. The collaborative efforts of pharmaceutical companies, researchers, and advocacy groups have fostered innovation in the development of these life-changing products, reflecting a collective commitment to mitigating the impact of AIDS on a global scale.
What helps fighting against AIDS?

48 / 65

Alice ____ when it's windy.

49 / 65

Elisa hasn't seen Richard ____ winter.

50 / 65

Your school bag is ____ mine.

51 / 65

The girl's name is Alexandra. ____ bag is magnificent and on fashion.

52 / 65

You should save this document on your computer, ____ you might lose it.

53 / 65

Give me_____, please!

54 / 65

Anna ____ tirelessly for several days when she finally ____ to take a break.

55 / 65

Here are the videos ________________ I took when I was in Paris.

56 / 65

Compréhension :
Studying abroad is a fantastic opportunity for many students. It allows to experience new cultures, meet people from different backgrounds, and improve language skills. Students can choose to study in countries that offer unique academic programs and a vibrant lifestyle. It's a chance to step out of your comfort zone, gain independence, and broaden your horizons. While it might feel a bit overwhelming at first, the experience of studying abroad can be incredibly rewarding, providing valuable insights and memories that last a lifetime.
What can be a primary opinion about an experience abroad?

57 / 65

Jack doesn’t play the guitar, but he ____ a lot when he was at school.

58 / 65

What I love the most ____ new countries each year!

59 / 65

Do we say...

60 / 65

Compréhension : Ecoutez le texte et répondez à la question.
What is the main advantage of participating in a language certification exam?

61 / 65

If I ____ for the exam, I____.

62 / 65

Compréhension : Ecoutez le texte et répondez à la question.
Where is Lucy going?

63 / 65

I don’t remember we talked about ____ dinner.

64 / 65

Do you think you ____ your review tonight? The exam is in 2 days!

65 / 65

I called the hospital ____ I heard about her car accident.

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